Doin' It Ourselves

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Start of Summer pt 1

I only have about 10 minutes to type this because I'm trying to pack our bags, dress the daughter, fix my hair, and the million-n-one other things that have to be done to leave for vacation as soon as Big Monkey hits the door from work. I was telling an acquaintance the other night that "when I have the money, it means I'm working a show and don't have any time and when I have loads of free time that means I don't have any money." Hourly folks understand this, the dilemma it forces on choosing what to do when. So our real vacations-- where we stay by ourselves and eat food prepared at a restaurant-- are in the fall or early spring, between my shows. When most folks take their vacations, we are sitting at home, trying to find friends in town who may want to hang out, or we may hit the road to see family and friends, stay with them, enjoy their cooking, and try to save money. Both types of vacation are great but both are needed, too, to stay sane.

There was a lot I wanted to write about for my second post: the bone-sucking pork chops we had last Monday, our summer budget (ha ha ha), checking out Orange Leaf in Timberlyne, finally going into Phydeaux in Chapel Hill but the day after our dog died, my thrice-weekly walks around work, the Hillsborough Farmer's Market, my ideas for Baby Step 1. I guess I needed an outlet for a lot more than I thought! My friend Roland (he of the "my meat farmer" fame) asked what I was taking pictures for on Saturday and I told him I'd started a blog. He wasn't all that surprised (he's known me for a few years now) and asked me if I had a focus for it yet. "No," I said, "but I do know I want to focus on Orange County and sharing all that there is here." Every time I get in my car and start to cruise around, I see more and more things to post (the yoga options alone in this county are amazing) or ideas to hash out or events to celebrate. I hope you bear with me as I find my voice and please, join me and voice your opinions, too!

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